“That Others May Live: CCC Student CJ Crowley Takes a Selfless Stand”

Date: 周三,13th 2023年12月

“That Others May Live: CCC Student CJ Crowley Takes a Selfless Stand”


旗杆, AZ - CJ Crowley stands in the CCC Commons posing for his picture – his demeanor is calm, 凉爽和收集. Crowley, 29岁的洛马琳达人, 加州, is known on CCC’s campus as a man of many lived experiences.  In his words, “Everyone has a story maybe mine will resonate with readers. 我希望是这样. I want others to know that you don’t have to let past mistakes define you.”


Crowley's journey began with a childhood marked by constant change, 作为他的父亲, 基督复临安息日会的牧师, 带领全家去了很多地方. Eventually, CJ found himself in Arkansas, where he attended a Christian boarding school. It was there that he was invited to join the gymnastics team.


“我是地面上的不倒翁, 我最喜欢的动作是完整的布局,克劳利回忆道, 回顾他早年的体操生涯. 他擅长这项运动, staying active and even playing basketball while gaining skills in gymnastics. 他在拳击场上的天赋并没有被忽视, and he was offered a gymnastics scholarship at Southwestern University in Texas. 克劳利获得运动机能学学士学位, but he soon realized that the traditional 9-to-5 employment in his chosen career field was not fulfilling.


他的家庭背景是服兵役, including his father's service during the Cold War and his brother's tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, it was only natural that the military presented itself as a potential path.


“There was a recruiter’s office not too far away from where I was working,他说, 因此,他决定探索这种可能性. That decision led to a four-year contract to serve in the United States Air Force.


在空军服役期间, Crowley held a job as a Logistical Analyst at the Dyess Air Force base in Abilene, Texas. This is where he discovered his true passion through volunteer work. 教学心肺复苏, 急救, AED, and Combat Wound Readiness classes to men and women preparing for deployment became the highlight of his Air Force service.


“尽管这是空军的志愿者工作, 我对此充满激情, and it was one of the reasons why I am so focused on EMS services now,克劳利说. 他承认军队可能很强硬, 用它的方式将个人推向极限, 无论是身体上还是精神上. However, the times that stood out for him were the Temporary Duty Assignments deployment trainings when he got to witness various missions in action.


当被问及他参军的决定时, Crowley emphasizes the inclusivity and second chances the military offered him. He had a previous criminal conviction, but the military saw beyond it. “对我来说,军队是我的避风港,”他分享道. “他们很客气地让我进去了, 给我一份工作, train me, and let me find my passion for working in Emergency Services."


Crowley's ultimate dream job is to become a medical missionary, applying the knowledge he gained in the military to the front lines of those who are caught in the middle of war. His one-year-old son plays a significant role in his decision to pursue this path. "I want him to learn the value of helping the person next to him, 对他人的同情,克劳利说。.


Crowley’s goal of becoming a medical missionary is only a part of what he wants to achieve, however. “我的目标是成为一名医疗传教士 . . . 这是个人问题,”他说. “My mission is to give others like me who are willing to put in the time work and effort a chance at a life. I'm proof that a person’s mistakes aren't their character. It was supposed to be impossible for me to get this far. 然而,我在这里.”


“目前有1900万美国人有重罪记录. Most who've paid their debt never want to reoffend and never do, 然而,他们仍然被当作二等公民对待. When I’m done and when I show what we can do when given a second chance, 我希望能在投票站看到我们, 消防部门, 警察部门, 即使国会.”


Reflecting on his journey, Crowley expresses profound gratitude for his military experience. "It was my military experience that led me to where I am today,他说, while also expressing his gratitude for all the support he has received from family, friends, and the numerous resources and programs designed to assist veterans in their transition to civilian life, 包括退伍军人中心.


莫妮卡·福斯是CCC退伍军人服务中心的, says, “这是一个让许多学生感到舒适的地方, 这很有意义." She adds that she hopes more people will reach out asking for help, stating, "I will do everything in my power to ensure they get the help they need."


Crowley, now in his second year and recently having earned his EMT from CCC is now more than ever determined to move forward, determined not to let past mistakes define his future.


“My story is for the man or woman with issues they are embarrassed to talk about, for the people who've made mistakes and are having a hard time recovering from them, for those who want to make a change but have to battle prehistoric laws that prevent them from living the American dream,他说. “My story is to show those like me that we are human beings, too, 我们有能力做好事, we are capable of giving back and we are deserving of the same opportunities as everyone else.


“All it takes is one person like me to make the sacrifices and pave the way,他说.

威尼斯安卓版 is committed to serving our country's veterans, 是否现役, 国民警卫队, 或者在军队预备役服役.促进他们的教育目标. 如欲了解更多有关CCC的承诺,请浏览网站  经验丰富的服务.









  • 周三,13th 2023年12月
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